I’ve been watching some dashcam compilations lately, and one thing that I find very comforting is that regardless of who is legally at fault, almost every accident could’ve been easily avoided if anyone involved had just slowed the fuck down and chilled the fuck out, and since that’s how I drive it makes sense I don’t get anywhere near having accidents. The freak accident that you couldn’t have avoided is rare.
If someone is tailgaiting and making things unsafe, don’t brake check, just slow down gradually. If they won’t make you safe by backing off, make yourself safe by reducing your speed. Look to get out of their way, move over, pull over, whatever, and try to let them past. It’s real simple, you just need to let go of the idea that you have a right to the spot in front of them.
There’s even one road I used to use a lot that was high speed with no passing for several kms, and if I got tailgated, I’d slow down and pull over to the shoulder. Sometimes they got the message and backed up before I pulled over so I’d speed back up and we’d be on our way, but I always took a decent amount of pleasure in taking my time to pull over safely, which usually meant delaying them a lot.
Look to get out of their way, move over, pull over, whatever, and try to let them past.
I like to imagine that anyone who is tailgaiting me is a bomb-defusal tech on their way to defuse a bomb at an orphanage for blind children. Then I get out of their way and wish them god speed to their vital mission! “Go save those blind orphans, you goddam hero!”
That only works for you because you already care about other people’s life. To the typical road vigilante, an orphanage full of blind children means nothing compared to their sacred lane they were tasked to protect.
Hard agree. Only caveat: don’t friggin travel in the left lane unless you’re passing. Don’t care how fast or slow you’re going. Left lane is for going around. Middle/right lane is for cruising. If everyone’s obeying that rule then there’s no reason to tailgate (not that you should do that anyway. But it does induct you into the assholes club right along with the tailgater)
I’ll always cruise in the left so long as there is no one behind me. The moment I see lights coming up, I just move so they can pass, then go back if there’s no one else.
If you’re paying the smallest bit of attention, it’s really, really easy. I guess these days, that’s the problem right there.
Honestly man. Fuck pride or “but the rules” or any of that noise. Left is for passing, only cruising when rearview is wide open. Shift over to let the speed demons through. Not that hard.
Still can’t do anything about the kids driving like GTA7 but as long as you’re steady and predictable you’re doing all you can.
Yeah, blocking them is just going to make their brains explode, which is fun, BUT they’re behind the wheel of a 2 ton death machine. They’re just going to do some dumb shit to get around, so…I’d rather just stay out of their way.
I always kinda wonder about this. Why? If you’re alone on a highway what difference does it make to cruise in the left lane vs the middle?
“What if I’m in the middle lane and come up on someone slower than me?” You hop left, pass, and then hop back to mid.
“What if I’m in the left lane and someone comes up behind me going faster?” You hop right, let them pass, and then hop back left.
Feels identical. So why so many people cruise in the left is kinda confusing to me. Just going against the rules of the road for funzies?
Personally I zone out so I cruise in the middle in case I don’t notice the person in my rear view. Also easier to notice coming up on someone ahead of me than some speed demon in the rear view.
I’ve been watching some dashcam compilations lately, and one thing that I find very comforting is that regardless of who is legally at fault, almost every accident could’ve been easily avoided if anyone involved had just slowed the fuck down and chilled the fuck out, and since that’s how I drive it makes sense I don’t get anywhere near having accidents. The freak accident that you couldn’t have avoided is rare.
If someone is tailgaiting and making things unsafe, don’t brake check, just slow down gradually. If they won’t make you safe by backing off, make yourself safe by reducing your speed. Look to get out of their way, move over, pull over, whatever, and try to let them past. It’s real simple, you just need to let go of the idea that you have a right to the spot in front of them.
There’s even one road I used to use a lot that was high speed with no passing for several kms, and if I got tailgated, I’d slow down and pull over to the shoulder. Sometimes they got the message and backed up before I pulled over so I’d speed back up and we’d be on our way, but I always took a decent amount of pleasure in taking my time to pull over safely, which usually meant delaying them a lot.
Yup. Many of these accidents take two idiots to pull off. Don’t be the second idiot.
y’know what they say, it takes two to die
I like to imagine that anyone who is tailgaiting me is a bomb-defusal tech on their way to defuse a bomb at an orphanage for blind children. Then I get out of their way and wish them god speed to their vital mission! “Go save those blind orphans, you goddam hero!”
Oh yeah, there’s a lot of badass action hero types saving the world on a daily basis, it really restores my faith in humanity.
That only works for you because you already care about other people’s life. To the typical road vigilante, an orphanage full of blind children means nothing compared to their sacred lane they were tasked to protect.
Hard agree. Only caveat: don’t friggin travel in the left lane unless you’re passing. Don’t care how fast or slow you’re going. Left lane is for going around. Middle/right lane is for cruising. If everyone’s obeying that rule then there’s no reason to tailgate (not that you should do that anyway. But it does induct you into the assholes club right along with the tailgater)
I’ll always cruise in the left so long as there is no one behind me. The moment I see lights coming up, I just move so they can pass, then go back if there’s no one else.
If you’re paying the smallest bit of attention, it’s really, really easy. I guess these days, that’s the problem right there.
Honestly man. Fuck pride or “but the rules” or any of that noise. Left is for passing, only cruising when rearview is wide open. Shift over to let the speed demons through. Not that hard.
Still can’t do anything about the kids driving like GTA7 but as long as you’re steady and predictable you’re doing all you can.
Yeah, blocking them is just going to make their brains explode, which is fun, BUT they’re behind the wheel of a 2 ton death machine. They’re just going to do some dumb shit to get around, so…I’d rather just stay out of their way.
Classic George Carlin bit. Everybody going faster than you is a maniac and everybody going slower than you is an idiot.
I always kinda wonder about this. Why? If you’re alone on a highway what difference does it make to cruise in the left lane vs the middle?
“What if I’m in the middle lane and come up on someone slower than me?” You hop left, pass, and then hop back to mid.
“What if I’m in the left lane and someone comes up behind me going faster?” You hop right, let them pass, and then hop back left.
Feels identical. So why so many people cruise in the left is kinda confusing to me. Just going against the rules of the road for funzies?
Personally I zone out so I cruise in the middle in case I don’t notice the person in my rear view. Also easier to notice coming up on someone ahead of me than some speed demon in the rear view.