I like how this and the Reuters/Ipsos poll that has her lead dropping are both on the front page right now.
Don’t pay too much attention to polls. They’re broken as hell right now.
Anyone ever been polled? I haven’t and nobody I know has either.
I think the Internet ruined polling they dunno how to collect data correctly anymore they’re probably stuck with boomer brains on the topic or something
I definitely got a poll a few years ago from a GOP senate candidate that was a bunch of questions like “How TERRIBLE has Joe Biden’s economic policy been???”
It was literally damn near impossible to select responses that actually conveyed any reasonable favor toward a Democrat policy or action. Now granted, this wasn’t a national pre-election poll that any reasonable aggregator would include, but it’s still a reminder that statistics can be whatever you want.
That’s just a “push poll”. They’re only used for marketing/propaganda and fund raising. I doubt they even look at the responses.
I’ve been called and texted a bunch. I only answered 1 call last night and answered their polling. I should have mentioned Lemmy and the fediverse and the only place I get my news, so they would focus more on it, but I didn’t think about it in time.
A guy in the mall polled me one time but he just asked me questions like “name something you groom yourself with”
Duh, a bride, obviously.
I got polled about two weeks ago. I only answered the phone because I was expecting a call from a new number.
I’ve been getting about 2 polling calls a week for the past few months.
I have been getting texts
I’ve actually gotten two poll phone calls and one mailer this year. The pollsters showed up as “Suspected Spam - Poll” on my phone.
I live in Tennessee, and I don’t think we’ve even had a statewide poll since Biden dropped. I wasn’t contacted for that one. But - everyone knows which way Tennessee’s gonna go, so it’s not like it matters. I’d be curious to see if Harris moved the needle, though.
So a couple of things…
As usual, national polls are useless. Numbers after the jump.
“pollster Frank Luntz said.”
- Obligatory “Fuck you, Frank!”
For those who don’t get that reference, it’s from Penn and Teller’s “Bullshit!” episode on polling:
Now… ALLLLL that being said… Last time I did this, Harris hit 270 exactly. First time this year any candidate hit the magic number.
AZ - Toss Up. Harris +1, +3, Trump +1, +4
https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/arizona/NV - Toss Up. Tie, Harris +1, Trump +1
https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/nevada/NM - Harris +5, +8, +10
https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/new-mexico/GA - Toss Up, 5 separate polls show tie votes.
https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/georgia/FL - Trump +6, +13, +14
https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/florida/NC - Toss Up, Harris +3, Trump +1, +2, +3
https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/north-carolina/PA - Toss Up, Tie, Harris +1, +4, Trump +1, +3
https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/pennsylvania/MI - Tie, Harris +2, +3. 3rd parties 0 to 1%, no impact.
https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/michigan/WI - Harris +1, +2, +3, +4, Trump +1
https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/wisconsin/MN - Harris +5, +6, +8
https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/minnesota/Plotted on the map:
As usual, PA is a must win. If Harris takes it, that’s it, she doesn’t need anything else.
Failing that, NC or GA + any 1 other state. AZ + NV alone is not enough, that drops her right at 268.
For Trump, he has to win PA to stay in, that gives him 238, from there he needs 32 more. So NC + GA. Or NV + AZ and either NC or GA.
Minimum 1 state for Harris to win, PA. Also a 2 state win of NC or GA + 1 other. Max would be 3 states. AZ, NV + 1 other.
Minimum 3 states for Trump to win (PA, GA, NC), could be as many as 4 of the 5 outstanding (PA, AZ, NV, + GA or NC)
Can someone further compress this down so my illiterate ass can parse it more easily?
Kamala needs 1 state
Trump needs multiple statesAll kidding aside, OP did a great job compressing it all in the last 2 paragraphs.
Harris has 3 paths to victory, a 1, 2, or 3 state solution.
Trump has 2 paths, a 3 or 4 state solution.
Only 5 states are up for grabs. If Harris loses PA, she has 2 more options.
If Trump wins PA, he still needs 2 to 3 other states.
In today’s NY Times/Siena poll Kamala Harris has a 93-point net advantage with Democratic voters while Donald Trump has just an 80-point net advantage with Republicans - an indication that the unprecedented number of high profile Republicans opposing Trump are having an impact.
Please crush the Orange Turd for good.
“If you just listen to these general statements, she actually sounds like a moderate Republican,” Luntz said.
“So the challenge for the Trump campaign is to just stop with these incessant character attacks, and challenge her on the specific issues and her claims,” he said.
The author is expecting trump to act logically…
I have no idea who would think that’s even an option, trump will do the same thing every Republican has done since the rise of American neoloberalism in the 90s:
Move even further right to differentiate from “moderate” Dems.
The result is the Dem candidates start sounding like moderate republicans. Which the author also seems to think is a good thing.
That means the two candidates we have to choose from is the Dem who sounds like a moderate Republican and a completely insane fascist.
I dont know why anyone that isn’t at least as far to the right as a moderate Republican would celebrate that is the most left leaning option. Even they have to realize this arrangement only helps the extreme rightwing party because it turns everyone left of center off from the Dem party. Instead of people happy to vote D, we get people who might not vote at all.
get people who might not vote at all
if harris loses this election, then the country is finished. i hope these “protest vote” morons enjoy being arrested for not being sufficiently obsequious to trump and his roving loyalty verification squads. maybe their “principles” will save them LOL
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