She said she is still voting for her. I wouldn’t endorse someone active in genocide and who doesn’t match my values as well. I think she was fair and told people to think for themselves. It is good to see a celeb that isn’t a yes man for once.
I completely respect Gaza making people reluctant voters. But don’t tell me you’re doing everything in your power for LGBTQ+ if you’re not going to support the only candidate who supports those rights. Just don’t even mention it if you’re going to contradict it.
Now, I only discovered who this person is this week (I heard one of her songs before all this stuff blew up). I don’t hate this person. My issues with her stance is about as minor as it can possibly be.
I’m just a passive observer who is watching half the country vote for a megalomaniac, a sliver of ill informed cynics vote for a Russian stooge, and a bunch of otherwise rational Americans pretend they don’t STRONGLY side with one party of another on 95% of issues.
I don’t think Trump should win. I also don’t think the status quo works for all Americans, and I would be skeptical of someone who recently bragged about Dick Cheney endorsements and seems to be shifting right on policy. Chappell wants voters to come to their own decision, and I think that best. Even Bernie said something similar of just don’t blindly listen to me if you think I’m wrong. It is healthy for democracy.
She said she is still voting for her. I wouldn’t endorse someone active in genocide and who doesn’t match my values as well. I think she was fair and told people to think for themselves. It is good to see a celeb that isn’t a yes man for once.
I completely respect Gaza making people reluctant voters. But don’t tell me you’re doing everything in your power for LGBTQ+ if you’re not going to support the only candidate who supports those rights. Just don’t even mention it if you’re going to contradict it.
Now, I only discovered who this person is this week (I heard one of her songs before all this stuff blew up). I don’t hate this person. My issues with her stance is about as minor as it can possibly be.
I’m just a passive observer who is watching half the country vote for a megalomaniac, a sliver of ill informed cynics vote for a Russian stooge, and a bunch of otherwise rational Americans pretend they don’t STRONGLY side with one party of another on 95% of issues.
I don’t think Trump should win. I also don’t think the status quo works for all Americans, and I would be skeptical of someone who recently bragged about Dick Cheney endorsements and seems to be shifting right on policy. Chappell wants voters to come to their own decision, and I think that best. Even Bernie said something similar of just don’t blindly listen to me if you think I’m wrong. It is healthy for democracy.