Truly, sometimes the simplest explanation is the truest.
Akhem’s blazer
Guess I’m the only one who read her post and thought the wives were the ones following the young Women.
They mostly are.
That’s a perfectly legitimate way to interpret the text, and might even be true.
Yeah it’s a poorly constructed sentence isn’t it
Ambiguïty increases memetic potential
That is a rough looking 40.
40 on each leg
Damn, 120 years in total
doesn’t look a day over 69
It seems people in the comments here missed the “with wives” part. Generally speaking, your wife is not going to be terribly pleased with you ogling or getting off to other women. And violating that is what makes these men count as weird.
So glad my wife is not like that
That’s literally the only reason I signed up for Instagram, but over half of my feed has become wholesome videos of people doing arts & crafts, woodworking, cooking, animals, inspiring vignettes, graphic design hacks, and bunch of other things. As cool as those other things are, I just wanted to see boobies.
And one of the weirdest things about Instagram, is that nudity is banned UNLESS the woman is breastfeeding (and a few other scenarios). So this seems to have spawned a weird sort of genre of what appears to be breastfeeding porn, women who are posting nude videos of themselves while breastfeeding, specifically to get around the nudity ban. It’s kind of weird and exploitative, I don’t really understand why it’s allowed (except for educational purposes, but these videos don’t seem to meet that bar). It’s like, showing breasts is offensive because kids might be able to see nudity and we don’t want kids seeing nude women… unless we film the nudity with kids in it, then that magically makes it ok.
Hey Peter, man, check out channel nine! It’s the breast exams! Woo!
Judge him all you want but he tells it like it is
I mean fear of the unknown is stronger than fear of the known in most cases.
I know fascism. I know Trump.
And, after enough time, I’ve come to know Harris enough to trust her. And I’m ready to turn the page.
Just knowing she isn’t a fascist rapist should be enough.
But she isn’t white and is a woman.
Something tells me she’s not a real doctor.
Well damn, I didn’t notice the first time.
I always find it peculiar and proof of self-hatred that humans are so averse and judgemental about reveling in our sexuality.
It’s a major part of who we all are, whether we choose to deny that or not. Cultures and world religions always run by monied interests would prefer we spend our time miserable collecting more for their dragon hoard piles as they live in hyper-decadent debauchery, and most of us have been too fucked in the head with sexual and “don’t be laaaazy” shame to be fixable, but humanity would have been so much happier if we spent less time sacrificing ourselves to the God of economic metastasis and more time fucking, especially in an age of birth control.
We might not even have put ourselves on the express lane to self-extinction we’re currently careening down in search of more treasure for the masters.
I think the issue is, when reveling in your sexuality, everyone involved must consent. It’s hard to say whether posting pics of you in revealing clothes is consent for old men to ogle or not. I’d say if you post it publicly, then it should be fine for said old men to respectfully ogle. But if said old men decide to comment something like, “would love to squirtle on those jigglypuffs” on the revealing image, we’re suddenly entering nonconsensual territory. So there’s a fine line and it’s easy to cross. Simply loving looking at boobs on the internet is fine; many women enjoy being admired. But if you take it any further, that’s when problems arise. Enjoy your sexuality responsibly, my friends. 💕
Edit: it’s both extremely telling and extremely concerning how much my rational take on consent is triggering all these pathetic men.
If you don’t want people spreading your images, wanking to your images, making crude comment about your images, oogling your images, etc etc. And I don’t mean just nudes, I mean any picture you post…
Then don’t post them online.
because once they hit the internet, in any capacity, you’ve lost all control of them, forever. They will still be there to be discovered when you are lying in a nursing home at 104 years old, Your descendants so far removed that they dont even know your name will still be at risk of stumbling upon them. People on the other side of the planet might use it in advertising or virtual sex dolls without you ever knowing.
You might not like it, you might not want it, you might not consent to it, but its still going to happen.
And if you want it to not happen, don’t post things online. Because not posting is the only control you’ll ever be able to exert over them.
Whatever you say, really don’t care. I don’t need some rando to tell me shit I already know.
“I don’t care what some rando has to say, now let me go back to posting on the site full of randos talking to eachother. BUT THEY BETTER NOT REPLY TO ME!”
Sorry, I should have said I don’t care to be mansplained about basic shit about how posting things on the internet works. You guys are really fucking obnoxious, it’s telling how badly my comment about consent set you all off.
I’ve literally been sexually assaulted and you set me off too. Maybe you’re just a fucking dumbass
Well, as someone who’s been through it, I’d really hope you of all people would understand the fucking importance of consent.
Yes. your comment set me off so much that I made a calm, rational response about the dangers of posting online and the lack of control you have over it.
God, someone stop me. Won’t someone think of the children?
You regurgitated what a million other jerk ass men already said. I get it. Things on the internet are there forever, it’s all the women’s fault for posting revealing pics, I mean they were asking for it with the way they were dressed, huh?
Maybe that extremist view of consent is a disease.
Fucking yikes.
Who fucked with your head?
My bad for thinking consent is important, boy am I glad a bunch of men decided to tell me consent is actually bullshit!
That is “all-or-nothing” thinking, nobody here is saying “consent is un important bullshit”.
If you show your tits to the internet on an open platform anyone can leave comments on, you automatically consent to people looking at your tits and commenting on them.
Until that platform specifically restricts the types of comments you don’t like, all you can do is suck it up, buttercup.
So do you get off on being an ass or is it just something that naturally happens?
If someone climbs on a soapbox to spout racist shit, you wouldn’t have any problem with random people heckling them.
It’s the same with showing your tits online.
If you don’t want to attract creepy comments, don’t do stuff that attracts creepy people.
“If women don’t want to be sexually harassed why do they have boobs?”
It’s not just having boobs, quit being a twat.
You missed the point entirely, congrats genius.
Put something on a public platform = accept that people will look at it. Allow for people to comment on it and you invite these comments. If someone wants to post pictures and not get comments on them, they can post them to a platform that doesn’t allow comments.
That’s right! Exactly.
For instance, this is public, and if a bunch of random weirdos came in here and started saying things like “whoa, who let the monkey out of his cage?” or “I’m about to put something on his public platform = 1,000 unsolicited dicks,” there’s absolutely nothing you, or I, can do about that—and it would be wrong to do anything, of course!
You’re cool, man, you get it.
Edit: it’s both extremely telling and extremely concerning how much my rational take on consent is triggering all these pathetic men.
Your initial comment was rational, it was well-thought out and you made a fair point while ending the comment on a positive note. Left alone, I would have upvoted your well-considered opinion and moved on.
However, your follow up responses and your edit were unprovoked ad hominem sexist attacks where you assume everyone who disagrees is a mansplaining penis-wielder whose words have less value than your own. While having your views challenged can be confronting, responding in the manner you are only detracts from your argument.
There are a non-insignificant number of people in society who can’t seem to handle the concept of consent. Then we have an ever growing number of incels awkward enough in relationships and socially that they can’t talk about sexual topics without becoming angry and violent.
A lot of our societal taboos about sexuality are trying to keep those people at bay.
It’s a mental health problem to be sure and it needs to be handled in society but it is rarely actually worked that way. It’s easier in some countries to make women hide away than it is too deal with the men that are out of control.
We really as a race can’t revel in our sexuality until we manage to get our morality under control.
You’re treating the symptoms as the causes dude. If we had more open discussion about these things I don’t think such issues would be as commonplace.
If people understood more of what victims of rape go through, they’re much less likely to view consent as a hazy line.
I go to many places where sexuality is celebrated rather than shamed and because of that it’s much less of a big deal. At one music festival I went to there were coed communal showers. I was kind of nervous but I headed down. Got in there and everybody was laughing and singing, sudsing each other up with soap, etc. This wasn’t because it was some kind of huge orgy, but rather that everybody was comfortable with the nudity and we were having fun together in a totally non sexual way, in my opinion only made possible by the openness everybody had about sexuality there.
We are sexual creatures (except ace people), ain’t no two ways about it. Keeping sex taboo does nothing to prevent the problems you’re describing. It’s like the Islamic extremists who think the only way to protect women is by taking away their rights, making their beauty a taboo, etc. And still, these places have their own problems with rape anyway, so clearly that doesn’t work.
I disagree.
I think the reason people may be downvoting you is that this comment has no reason as to why you disagree. I have not btw. I respect disagreement
Yes, those two whole downvotes really make me lose sleep.
I don’t really want to get into it because I can see from your replay that you won’t be arguing in good faith, but we’ll give it one go. If you start moving the goal posts, changing the subject or cherry picking I’ll just block you. Defend what you claim in whole or dispute what I say in whole with non-fallcy fact. If you want to argue, we can debate it, but I’m not going to have your cheesing it.
Everything I mentioned is an observation of what humanity does. It’s objective, there is sufficient documentation if it happening in court cases and search fodder. Most of your post is opinion about how you feel in your circumstances and poorly thought out enough that I felt it’s better written off than addressed, but let’s give it a shot.
“You’re treating the symptoms as the causes dude.” this is your opinion, you only offer more opinion to back it up. I disagree, cause and effect are sometimes hard to peel apart. You give a starving person bread. You don’t give a rapist access to women talking about sex. Giving a rapist free and open access to women isn’t going to cure him. (my opinion, free to debate)
“If people understood more” is an opinion and unfounded. Do you have proof for that? I disagree
"I go to many places where " fallacy, your experience isn’t everyone’s experience. Same goes for your communal showers. How many cases of gang rape and murder happen? Just because communal shows and bathrooms can exist in some places with some people, doesn’t mean that it’s good for everyone everywhere. (my opinion, free to debate)
"We are sexual creatures (except ace people), ain’t no two ways about it. " this does not support your statement that we should be more open sexually. Just because we replicate sexually does not mean society in whole can handle it. Evolution provided us reproduction, rape and misogyny, cultural enlightenment made those things bad and wrong. We are all enlightened equally and going back to the stone age to have more open sex isn’t going to improve that. We can return to it perhaps once we move along socially, but right now, it’s just a horror show waiting to happen.
“Keeping sex taboo does nothing to prevent the problems” then why separate pedo’s from children? We do it because it works, we do it because if we don’t bad things happen.
“It’s like the Islamic extremists who think the only way to protect women is by taking away their rights, making their beauty a taboo, etc. And still, these places have their own problems with rape anyway, so clearly that doesn’t work.” - you insinuate it can’t be worse without any proof that it makes it better. Because there is a theft in a neighborhood, one can’t say the police and laws are useless.
It’s a mental health problem to be sure and it needs to be handled in society
In my opinion, this is the answer, and just being more sexual is not going to do anything but get a lot of people hurt.
I think it’s hilarious how you accuse me of arguing in bad faith then purposely misrepresent my argument to make yours look better not even 10 sentences later. I have benn writing a reply to this comment and I really hope you read it when I finish.
“…because I objectify young women and I like it.”
There’s got to be some kind of line between “objectifying young women” and “horny”.
How is this downvoted? Dude literally admits to creeping on women’s profiles so he can ogle their photos. How is he any different from old school weirdos who would whack it to Sports Illustrated?
This isn’t someone admitting to enjoying porn (which is still a problematic industry in itself but that’s another, more complex, issue). It is someone admitting to looking at regular photos on women’s profiles and fantasizing about their tits.
That’s textbook objectification of women.
Oh, look, a straw feminist. Haven’t seen one of those in awhile.
This is what peak mansplaining looks like. She didn’t ask a question and I’m sure she already knows the why.
Heterosexual men want to look at boobs. If she thinks this is “weird,” I feel she needs something explained to her.
So do yourself and FartMonster2k not know about PornHub, or…?
An older adult following a bunch of much younger people on normal social media for sexual purposes is 100% weird.
How old do you think the women on pornhub are? What makes them more acceptable to look at over the women on instagram? I mean if we’re talking about dudes perving on private social media accounts of 15 year olds, yeah of course that’s fucked up. But that isn’t at all the implication I got here, rather I assumed he’s talking about OnlyFans models and other young women (not girls) who are offering their looks as a product, like Yellz0 or Kaitlyn Krems. In that case, this is extremely normal, and not really any different than the nearly 100 years of Hollywood; or did you assume the beautiful young starlets were only meant to appeal to their age peers (despite being cast and promoted by primarily older men)?
Hollywood, magazines, art, sales catalogues, and pornography; they are all selling the sexual appeal of young adulthood. And so long as the men and women being gazed at are willingly and consensually offering the display of their body, and they’re of legal and intellectual ability to consent, then nobody is being wronged here, and nobody is behaving abnormally. These women deserve respect (as do the women on pornhub, to be clear; I’m still trying to understand what separates the two entities to you), and stepping over established boundaries, personal or social, is not okay obviously, but assuming the caveats I’ve outlined, I see nothing disrespectful about buying what somebody is willfully selling.
As for the age gap… look, we can pretend to be this perfectly evolved species of always equitable and simple moral choices while ignoring literally the whole of human history which heavily implies an attraction in humans to young adulthood that doesn’t seem to wean with age, or we can accept reality for what it is, warts and all. Personally for me, I just don’t see how infantilizing young adults as if they are helpless children in need of constant coddling and viewing every relationship as an inherent competition of power and experience where any imbalance implies irreconcilable differences benefits us as a society.
I appreciate you bestie but I ain’t reading all that
Okay, I’ll try to make it more appropriate for you. Ahem:
Why woman sell sex on pornhub okay, but women sell sex on instagram bad?
Also human think young adult sexy. Always, but also now.
You assume they’re following sex workers on instagram. Nowhere in post it say that. Plenty of weird dudes out there
I’m not an old dude, but I mean these women need that crowd to make money. It’s weird calling them creeps but at the same time they are posting nearly nude photos of themselves publicly on social media. Who do they think is following that content? Physicists at CERN calculating the new gravitation force off of your oversized diaper butt BBL? medical doctors determining the tolerance a 115lb woman with 1000cc of silicone can tolerate? Get real, you’re posting your tits because you know exactly those types of dudes will follow and you can either trick them into giving you money for feet pics or buying you a weekend in Dubai.
These 22 year old “model influencers” will be begging for these old dudes to pay them attention when they hit the wall in 5 years.
Yea, those busted 27 year olds. Wtf
Yeah, they kind of had a point until they busted out the incel-speak at the end.
these dudes aren’t weird, they’re sadly very common