• Sundial@lemm.ee
    2 months ago

    The norm is small rocket fires between them close to the border. The difference is now Israel is attacking populated areas and performing assassinations.

    • nonailsleft@lemm.ee
      2 months ago

      But the ‘assassination in a populated area’ that you’re referring to was in itself a retaliation for a rocket strike on a populated area (that killed 12 kids)

      By your own logic, wouldn’t that mean it was Hezbollah that started the escalation by targeting those children?

      • Sundial@lemm.ee
        2 months ago

        Hezbollah has literally denied involvement in that:


        I know you’re going to sit there and ask me “Why would you believe them?”. I believe them because they would never be hesitant to admit they hit Israel. Besides, it’s not their style. Just look at the most recent attack, they attacked the military base and avoided civilian areas:


        Israel on the other hand has shown no hesitation attacking children and civilians and there’s decades of events to point to to prove this statement.

        So my question to you is this: Why are you so intent on dismissing the actions of Israel? You seem to be putting a lot of effort into it.

        • nonailsleft@lemm.ee
          2 months ago

          You believe Hezbollah would gladly claim they killed some kids playing soccer? I guess you also believe that rocket materialized out of thin air right above them

          Which actions of Israel do you think I am dismissing?

          • Sundial@lemm.ee
            2 months ago

            When has Hezbollah ever been shy about hating and attacking Israel?

            This entire comment thread is you refusing to see how Israel is escalating the conflict. Instead you choose to intentionally miss how Israel is “pre-emptively” (I’m using this term ironically, don’t believe for a second I believe it to be true) attacking other nations, assassinating key figures and antagonizing their neighbors. Instead you seem intent on buying into the narrative that what Israel is doing is 100% necessary and not antagonistic. You’re putting a lot of effort into not seeing the “blatant misinformation is that everyone sees so clearly” as you put it in your original comment to me. These attacks aren’t necessary or justified, no matter how Israel decides to spin the narrative and have media outlets carry it as if it were the truth. If Hezbollah wanted to go to war they would have. What Israel is doing in Gaza is more than enough reason for anyone to declare war and move in. Don’t believe me? Just ask the ICC.

            • nonailsleft@lemm.ee
              2 months ago

              Hezbollah is just as keen as Israel to keep their PR story straight wrt civilian victims.

              If you don’t ‘for a second’ believe the Israeli strike on Sunday was ‘pre-emptive’, what would you call it? Hezbollah planned a big rocket strike and Israeli jets tried bombing their launch sites half an hour before. As far as strikes go, it doesn’t really get more textbook ‘pre-emptive’ than that.

              If you believe Israel’s reactions aren’t necessary or justified, how would you suggest they react to Hezbollah firing rockets at them? Should they act like these rockets don’t exist? Do you think that if Israel never struck back, Hezbollah would just get tired of it over time and stop?

              • Sundial@lemm.ee
                2 months ago

                Really? They’re afraid of looking bad compared to Israel? They’d have to do a lot to get there. Given what Israel is doing in Lebanon, no one would blame them if Hezbollah returned in kind. But instead they clearly state when they have actually attacked Israel. And it’s not civilian areas. You can choose to not believe that. But of the 2 groups one of them has a proven track record of attacking civilians and children and it’s not Hezbollah.

                Your entire argument is like if a bully says “I had to attack this person, they were about charge me” and then completely ignore the fact that the bully has been doing nothing but provoking and attacking that person for months. It’s crying victim when you’re in fact the perpetrator. If you want to just ignore all that and say these attacks are justified then that’s your evil you choose to believe. You’re either intentionally being ignorant or just a troll. Either way, I’m done responding to you. I have better things to do with my time than argue with someone who tries to defending a genocidal and warmongering nation as being justified in their actions.

                • nonailsleft@lemm.ee
                  2 months ago

                  Fair enough

                  I just think you’re so angry about Israel, you don’t really care about the truth anymore

                  • Sundial@lemm.ee
                    2 months ago

                    You know what? I am angry. I am very angry.

                    I’m angry that a colonial state hellbent on eradicating the native population not only exists but is defended and funded by the most powerful nations on earth. I’m angry that this state has shepherded the entire native population into the worlds biggest open-air prison in history. I’m angry that they have that entire population dehumanized to the point where everyday civilians go out of their war to harass, starve, attack, and even kill these people. I’m angry that for decades the military has been killing these people on a regular basis that makes the violence in America against Black people look minor. I’m angry that for decades the whole native population has been displaced all to appease some kind of religious regime that is based on cruelty and pain. I’m angry that this government has an acceptable civilian to enemy combatant kill ratio of 1000:1. I’m angry that several school busses of children get slaughtered everyday and the people capable of putting a stop to this just shrug their shoulders. I’m angry that this same state routinely executes journalists and aid workers to cover up their atrocious actions. I’m angry that this state routinely attacks their neighbors simply because they can. I’m angry that the man in charge of this state is someone who is afraid of letting go of power to save himself from retribution and instead proceeds to double down on the modern days most brutal war as well as sabotage peace talks. I’m angry that we literally know all this is happening and let it. Say what you want about the Germans in WWII but at least the majority didn’t know just how bad things were in those camps. We do.

                    But that’s not all that makes me angry. You know what else makes me angry?

                    You. People like you who just sit there and go on a thread calling this state for their BS and go “Hurr durr of course they’re going to retaliate! What did you expect?” People like you who are very clearly aware of what’s happening but choose to be morally correct when it suits you. People like you who choose to go on these threads in an attempt to de-rail the whole conversations for either some misguided sense of self-righteousness or because they’re paid to. People like you who want to sit there and claim that someone attacked this state based on what this state says even though this state has a proven track record of outright lying and manipulating the truth. So yeah, I’m more inclined to believe Hezbollah, who very rarely denies attacking Israel, if they do. I’m angry that I actually have several people like you replying to my comments regularly trying to deflect all of this and that I have to defend and justify my words. I’m angry that you didn’t even take a moment to say something like “Yeah I don’t condone what Israel is doing either but if Hezbollah did target children than I don’t condone that as well”. You could have just said that and we could have moved on. And I’m really angry that after all this you have the audacity to sit there and tell me that I don’t care about the truth. I do care, I care too much. That’s my problem. Yours is that you don’t care enough. If you did you would have acknowledged what we were really talking about in this thread and provided your input and moved on.