And the book wasn’t living up to the original radio series
Mostly kidding on that
I agree that I like the book better, initially I disliked the movie, but I’ve come around on it, some things from the radio series were changed for the book, and so it just kind of feels right they’d further change things for the movie. Playing a little fast and loose with it feels very in the Douglass Adams spirit to me.
Douglas Adams writing doesn’t translate well to film I think, a bit like Pratchett’s. It can be done (Good Omens was a great adaptation of Pratchett) but it’s probably super hard to do well and keep the original feeling/spirit
I believe Adams himself considered each different medium to be “it’s own story” though just as he added and changed things from the radio play for the book, he also added and changed things in the movie screen play… When he was involved in it. I’m not going to pretend it was all his work but it was it’s own thing.
Ohh that’s a good one. The other books afterwards were great too.
Would’ve loved a sequel and would honestly not mind them artistically fudging it a bit to pick back up with an older Arthur Dent
The movie wasn’t living up to the book though…
And the book wasn’t living up to the original radio series
Mostly kidding on that
I agree that I like the book better, initially I disliked the movie, but I’ve come around on it, some things from the radio series were changed for the book, and so it just kind of feels right they’d further change things for the movie. Playing a little fast and loose with it feels very in the Douglass Adams spirit to me.
But does it live up to the text adventure?
Get analgesic.
This guy gets it
(the analgesic)
But you didn’t hang your towel up before pressing the button.
Douglas Adams writing doesn’t translate well to film I think, a bit like Pratchett’s. It can be done (Good Omens was a great adaptation of Pratchett) but it’s probably super hard to do well and keep the original feeling/spirit
Most don’t but that’s ok :) I still liked it
I believe Adams himself considered each different medium to be “it’s own story” though just as he added and changed things from the radio play for the book, he also added and changed things in the movie screen play… When he was involved in it. I’m not going to pretend it was all his work but it was it’s own thing.