Online dating industry in crisis as shares fall and nearly half of all users report negative experiences on the apps

    3 months ago

    yeah, maybe we need more broad relationships status capabilities in general.

    While I wish that were possible, I can’t think of a great way to ensure that. Best I can think of is ensuring that they aren’t married and/or lying about having children. (At one time you could have used Facebook statuses as a stand-in for that, but I don’t think that’s accurate anymore.)

    a pretty good functional alternative is just killing the message chain entirely. Platform account blocking maybe?

    What I’m thinking is that you will need a set of clear guidelines so that you can remove people from the platform entirely if they exhibit a pattern of misconduct. One, maybe two instances where someone violates guidelines, okay, blocking them from contact with that specific person is sufficient, as long as they know exactly what conduct was out of bounds and learn from it. But multiple instances of harassing behaviour means that someone needs to be pruned from the system. I’m on the fence as to whether it should be a permaban kind of thing, or whether it should be graduated time-outs (a week ban, a month ban, three month ban, a year ban, etc.), with red flag warnings for harassment in their profile. I could go either way right now.

    Regardless, you’d need a general block feature, so that you could block people that you found distasteful, but weren’t engaging in overtly harassing behaviour.

    yeah anything with VC money in it from the get go is going to be a heaping pile of shit once > 50% market share is achieved.

    I think you could shorten that to “anything with VC money in it is going to be a heaping pile of shit”. As long as there’s a profit motive, there’s no way to avoid it. But I’m not sure how you could possibly make it work without VC-type money.