Isn’t this against the US constitution? Razor wire along the state border and checkpoints on roads that cross the state border are kind of nuts. I read a comment joking that the wire and road checkpoints were to keep Texan women from escaping to New Mexico, which got a bitter laugh out of me.
I guess since they kept getting their asses kicked trying to put one on the Mexico border, they thought this might work. That being said, might this actually also be blatantly illegal, as it impedes free movement between states? The constitution explicitly provides for interstate travel without government abridgement.
I bet this will also used to prevent pregnant women from escaping the state
Didn’t Texas say last year that they wanted to try being independent from the USA? I’m not from the US (anymore) so I’m not sure but I kind of remember that being said.
Isn’t this like testing the waters in some way?
I’ll help them pack. If I could never hear from that fucking state again, I’d be happy.
Maybe Texas and Puerto Rico can swap status. Puerto Rico can become a state in exchange for Texas freeing up the slot, then we don’t even need to change any songs or anything.