Assuming there’s nothing stopping you from legally voting

    6 months ago

    Voting is harder in the US. I can almost get that the one party has made it more difficult to vote because it benefits that party. I am ever in awe at the hardship americans can sometimes endure to vote, and then see it nullified.

    Voting in Canada is quaint but effective: I go to a polling place, I - now, Americans, this is gonna offend you - bring my driver’s license to prove my ID, they write a line through my name on a piece of paper, I take the paper fn ballot behind the cardboard half-screen like it’s high-school, and mark a big X in a few boxes, fold it and drop it into another cardboard box carefully marked ‘ballots’. Then people count them by hand and by the end of the night we’re 100% done.

    Not everyone has a system as simple and effective. It’s a massive effort to vote in America, and I’d love to see that fixed as well.