Yeah, that’s the point. What do guns have to do with encryption? I could say “If you outlaw beards, only outlaws will have beards” and it will make as much sense as your original post. I appreciate that you have a weird fetish for violence but you don’t have to shoe-horn it into every conversation.
That also works for guns.
You can’t murder a room full of children with pgp.
I already have a chainsaw for that kind of thing, that does this have to do with guns and encryption?
Yeah, that’s the point. What do guns have to do with encryption? I could say “If you outlaw beards, only outlaws will have beards” and it will make as much sense as your original post. I appreciate that you have a weird fetish for violence but you don’t have to shoe-horn it into every conversation.
Only in the only country that believes that.
What? You think criminals don’t have guns in yours?
By the way, a country can’t believe anything, it’s an artificial concept on a map.