The lawyers who made the Venmo transactions were: Patrick Strawbridge, a partner at Consovoy McCarthy who recently successfully argued that affirmative action violated the US constitution; Kate Todd, who served as White House deputy counsel under Donald Trump at the time of the payment and is now a managing party of Ellis George Cipollone’s law office; Elbert Lin, the former solicitor general of West Virginia who played a key role in a supreme court case that limited the Environmental Protection Agency’s ability to regulate greenhouse gas emissions; and Brian Schmalzbach, a partner at McGuire Woods who has argued multiple cases before the supreme court.
Oh boy, look at clarence with his “buisiness trips.” This is should be a huge violation of the courts. Oh wait, you can’t do anything as republicans love it while democrats are literally begging for some ethics violation. Man fuck the supreme court.
Our government is 1000% compromised and needs to be abolish. Starting with the Supreme Court. This can’t be allowed to stand and ALL their rulings need to be overturned.
You want to both abolish the government AND overturn these rulings? Those two acts are mutually exclusive, or at the least meaningless in both instances of order of precedence; if you abolish the government these rulings no longer exist or have legal meaning, overturning them would require re-establishing a government which accepts all previous supreme court rulings. Which seems idiotic, since if the intent is to overturn these rulings why accept them in the first place?
Benjamin Franklin said the constitution should be abolished and rewritten every 20 to 30 years. Yes abolish all those mother fers. Sorry but our government is own and operated by the rich. Time for a revolution unfortunately it won’t happen.
From the article:
Watch for those names in the news.
Oh boy, look at clarence with his “buisiness trips.” This is should be a huge violation of the courts. Oh wait, you can’t do anything as republicans love it while democrats are literally begging for some ethics violation. Man fuck the supreme court.
Our government is 1000% compromised and needs to be abolish. Starting with the Supreme Court. This can’t be allowed to stand and ALL their rulings need to be overturned.
…or maybe try something less radical first, like impeaching this corrupt asshole.
How when they All corrupt who going to impeach them when the ones who can are just as guilty and don’t care.
You want to both abolish the government AND overturn these rulings? Those two acts are mutually exclusive, or at the least meaningless in both instances of order of precedence; if you abolish the government these rulings no longer exist or have legal meaning, overturning them would require re-establishing a government which accepts all previous supreme court rulings. Which seems idiotic, since if the intent is to overturn these rulings why accept them in the first place?
Benjamin Franklin said the constitution should be abolished and rewritten every 20 to 30 years. Yes abolish all those mother fers. Sorry but our government is own and operated by the rich. Time for a revolution unfortunately it won’t happen.
Dare I ask what “abolish” is actually supposed to mean.
I have some ideas…
Nice try guy