Hi everyone who’s reading: I’m looking for an overdrive pedal that can go into distortion as well when pushed to high gain (or vice versa). I’m using a TS9 clone now and while I love the sound it provides, it cannot go into full distortion. Is there something that woulf help my needs? Plus point if it’s a “budget” one
What amp & amp settings do you typically use?
I’m using an Eko V50R mostly on the clean channel. It’s a cheap transistor amp which tries to mimic the style of a Fender.
Ok, reading the description, it is may be trying to sound like a deluxe reverb or a blues junior.
If that is true, then a blues driver pairs with that amp style really well in my opinion. More grit than a typical tubescreamer, but not quite a full bore distortion pedal like a DS-1 or a Distortion+ (My personal favorite distortion).
Check out some samples online and see what you think. If you want something a little more like Black Keys, or Jimi Hendrix, then you may also want to consider fuzz pedals with some, relatively lower-ish, gain settings.
I was in fact thorn between the blues driver and a rat styled pedal. With my band I have a couple songs where we need a little more grit to it, like we’re in a kind of “the Clash” territory of grit.
This is why your TS9 is not giving you the sound you want. The TS stands for Tube Screamer. You really need a tube amp paired with a TS9 to get a nice distortion sound. Tubescreamer clones will not sound good with a solid state amp.