I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase before. “the floor is rising” but what does it mean?

Doing some math with my crayons: 265 million shares x $17 = about 4.5 billion dollar market cap. Cash on hand: 1.3 billion

Right now, for whatever reason about 28% of Gamestop’s value is cash on hand. This is absurd but the SHF’s have to manipulate the stock value lower and lower in order to avoid margin calls.

But dropping the value lower means that it’s easier to buy. In fact right now Gamestop could buy all 57 million remaining shares in the free float, and still have cash on hand left over.

57 million shares x $17 = 952 million dollars

In fact someone over at SS posted this, and the shills flipped their shit. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/161axl9/this_is_what_trying_to_control_the_narrative/

I’ve also pointed out that once they become profitable they could issue a cash dividend again. Gamestop has issued a cash dividend in the past. This is completely normal for profitable companies to do, and investors should want return on their investment and support that. But when I post about it, shills flip their shit.

This is the floor rising. The shorts are cowering in a corner. They know they’re trapped, there is no way out, and the manipulating the price lower buys them time but is not an escape.

There is a hard floor meaning they cannot cellar box Gamestop because they have over a billion dollars cash on hand, and if they make the stock price plummet it just gets bought up and DRS’d. A plummet would just fuck them instantly.

They know that the free float shrinks every day as apes DRS more, but they have to keep lowering the price because they are hugely in debt and don’t want to get margin called. They shrink the debt by lowering the price of the stock. This is an absoultely toxic position to have and they know it’s going to blow up in their face eventually. But there’s no way out.

This is why they shill, it’s why there are all these articles from “professionals” who shit all over our stock. They are desperate to convince us to sell.

So don’t lose heart. Take joy in the dips. I hope that they manipulate the price down to single digits again. If the price falls below $10 then not only can apes DRS more faster, but the company could buy even more shares with a share buyback.

  • lebingbong
    1 year ago

    Its not shilly to get mad when someone suggests a share buy back, its not shilly to get mad when people suggest we need to bring back cash dividends back.

    People get mad because you need to trust the people running the company, we need to trust our chairman and everyone else running the company, RC has shown he is in this for real by putting his own money in to this, rest of the team too has shown how much they believe in the company by putting their own money in to this.

    If you can’t trust the company why the fuck are you even holding shares in gme ? If you believe the people running the company has no idea on how to do what’s best for the company wtf man?

    Chairman has proved himself and we know he is capable, dividends will come when it needs to come, stock buybacks will happen when its time for a buy back, untill then just Buy, DRS Book the shares and stay zen my ape friend.