21M, my life right now is such a mess.

My childhood feels deficient in some things, I really want to move out, my life is spread over multiple countries and I can’t decide how to fit each into my future, I’m struggling & demotivated at university, and I’ve had no success dating and just can’t figure out why.

I have a long term plan to get myself out of this but I’m afraid that the plan may prioritize the wrong things or be naively ambitious or specific. I’m AuDHD and seeing as it was my thinking that got me into this mess, my plan to fix it is probably riddled with the same mistakes. Which would mean I’d stay stuck where I am.

What would really help me is to consult my plan with a wise person who has watched many people’s life trajectories and who would be able to advise me on what parts of my plan are naive or likely to fail. Since I am AuDHD, I also need someone who will alert me to the sorts of narrow-minded ways of thinking that got me to where I am, because I am obviously blind to these. Or maybe the problem is that I think too much altogether. I can ask for individual pieces of advice on Lemmy but I’m looking for someone who would look at my life in a more holistic way.

What sort of person would be able to help me? I have tried coaching but coaches seem to focus more on CBT and have lacked the wisdom that I am looking for here.

  • jbrains@sh.itjust.works
    7 months ago

    I think you could use a coach, but perhaps an older, wiser coach who isn’t tied to a specific style of therapy. Unfortunately, coaching is not regulated and therefore you might have to kiss many frogs to find a prince. I apologize that this advice might be true, but not helpful. I don’t know how you’d find such a person, except by trial and error.

    Whom in your circle do you consider wise, or least experienced? Is there someone there you trust enough to try to have this conversation with?
