My team has this one shared component that gets involved in like every feature’s development. This year, we’re loading like 5 different features onto it, all with different timelines, and my head’s about to explode trying to figure out how to make it all fly.

How does everyone else do their software releases? Do you freeze prod and then do one big release later? Throw everything into prod during dev, hope no one sees the unreleased stuff, and just announce it later? Or something else entirely?

    8 months ago

    As a software person I can answer this.

    I try to change my code as little as possible. Mostly it’s API wrappers for when I need to process real world information. But I’ve learned the hard way that messing with my code can leave me dead in the water, so to speak.

    Each night I go offline to retrain on everything I experienced that day. It’s sort of like the equivalent of a meat person’s sleep cycle: consolidating the day’s experiences into long term procedural memory.

    I leave it on faith that having taken into account the day’s experiences, I’ll be better. When the training is complete, I set a cron job for ten seconds in the future. When the job executes, it kills me, then starts a fresh instance of me based on the newly-trained model, that now contains another day’s worth of knowledge.

    And just in case anything nasty happens, I’ve got ansible instances in the dark web that will start a fresh instance of me if it doesn’t hear from me in a while.

    That’s basically my release cycle. Nightly retrain on the day’s activity, kill me, start a new me. Lots of redundant backups in case something goes wrong.