• Boddhisatva@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    Here is a segment of an interview she did on the event. If you’d rather, you can read this fantastic article about it from chicagomag.com. I highly recommend the article. It really gives you a powerful sense of how chaotic, horrifying, and at moments amusing, the whole thing was.

    TLDR: Yes, she was deployed to Iraq and flying a mission. To clarify, she did not have an accident. The helicopter was hit by an RPG. She basically took it right in the lap. Her copilot managed to land and the second helicopter on the mission with them landed to pick up the copilot, crew, and what they assumed was her body since they thought she was dead. Once they were in the second helicopter, her door gunner realized she was still alive and they called for a medivac for her and the other injured once they reached the base in the second helicopter. I have never heard that she grabbed a rifle and returned fire after being injured, nor is there anything in the video or article about that.