So I’ve been planning on getting off Google photos for a while now and want to test Immich as a replacement. To that end I’ve got myself a raspberry pi 5 (8gb) and paired it with a 1tb nvme SSD. I have been familiarising myself with immich documentation and content on securing rpi network, but I would appreciate if you could provide me with more insight or basics that I should look out for. I am still in uni so it will be connected via eduroam.
Thank you!
I’d recommend dietpi and docker on your pi then manage services such as Immich with portainer and use caddy as a reverse proxy (super simple config and comes with things like let’s encrypt SSL built in). Also I’d suggest storing images on a mirrored raid array using two USB HDDs. And also storing an encrypted backup once a day somewhere on the cloud. Or at least in another location. This is what I’ve done anyway. Hope that gives you some things to look into!
I’ve only just bootstrapped it once for testing. I used the docker setup and it was trivial.
So I have a large immich database and a slow CPU and really wish I spun up a docker swarm to kick in some extra CPU when needed. Otherwise, it does work exceptionally well on lower power devices, just takes a looooong time.
Oh, and read changelogs because not all updates go smooth. ;) My stack has been down since the last release and I haven’t had time to fix it.
I’m curious, how would you setup a docker swarm to scale the cpu when needed?
I don’t know anything about eduroam but if it’s your uni’s network then you’ll have to settle for local access only through a personal router.
New Lemmy Post: Recommendations to setup immich (https://lemmy.world/post/12443146)
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