🎹…just outside the DTC Where the Shares are listed 🎼 right on the ledger waiting for hedgie tears to flow 🎶

  • @grownthenflownOP
    26 months ago

    mahalo! same to you. our neighbors, in fact the whole island gets kinda nuts on new years. i was going to make a video for the last couple minutes and post it. would off topic be good, or is that something just not meant for discord? i feel like a kid among adults. i just don’t want to push you guys to boot me for being to a.d.d. hahaha.

    • @bibic_jrMA
      16 months ago

      That sounds great! Definitely share away. Off topic is perfect for anything like that.

      I may even share something myself. We just climb a hill and watch everyone else’s fireworks displays 😅

      It’s nice to share a global event in such a global discord! Reminds us that we are everywhere 🙂