Is it ok to create communities here for other stocks, ETFs, options and investments?

  • @apes_on_parade
    61 year ago

    Getting stakeholders to come together to collectively decide on policies has been… slow going.

    I’ve provisionally proposed the following scope for communities on the instance: “subjects relating to GameStop, household investors participating in US stock markets, direct registration, and/or related economic and financial topics”

    I personally would like to allow it to include other stocks, and DRS thereof. I’m not yet sure about that including communities whose focus is ETFs, options, or other investment vehicles, but discussion of these topics is obviously relevant within communities. But I do think some community input into the scope of the instance needs to happen.

    • @[email protected]OP
      51 year ago

      AFAIK this is the only investing related instance as of yet, but I have a feeling that might change soon. Mods coming over want to control an instance and it’s communities rather than a few communities alone on an existing instance. I could see this as becoming the go-to place for people to discuss all types of investing, and in the process learning about DRS and how to put your holdings into your own name.

      • @prsmike
        41 year ago

        Yeah I agree with this take and think that’s a good idea. DRS is really about ownership and is larger than just GameStop. I also think that the restrictive GME only rules put in place at Superstonk limits the scope and reach of conversations that you can have there. It is also a common tactic for shills to attack good information if it breaks some arbitrary ‘GME only’ rule.

    • @apes_on_parade
      21 year ago

      I added “holding the financial industry/Wall Street accountable”

      I personally am still unfavorable towards other investment vehicles outside of publicly traded US equities. Between options, ETFs, OTC equities, crypto, lesser regulated investments, and even outright scams, I could see things spiraling into a spamfest. We shall see though.

    • @adminMA
      11 year ago

      deleted by creator