I’m mostly a lurker. Started checking out Lemmy after the Reddit 3rd party API fiasco and r/superstonk become worse and worse. Glad to have the freedom to communicate and share information again!

  • hotday06
    51 year ago

    Welcome to the free world!

    • @HotdogMan
      61 year ago

      This is awesome. It feels like the old internet.

      • jersan
        71 year ago

        agreed. it feels like a time before everything on the internet was owned and controlled by for-profit interests.

        a time before there were advertisements and promotions shoved in your face every minute. a time before algorithms individually tailored to you feed you content that is designed to keep you hooked and addicted to their platform for the purpose of serving you more advertisements.

        the fediverse feels like just a bunch of dudes and dudettes hanging out and chatting. not having to compete with promoted content and karma farmers.