New teddy books incoming. Has there been anymore digging into the old books? Seems to me like any discussion about hidden meanings of…. Just about anything from Ryan has been suppressed. I fully trust in him but seems like he can’t really “speak” to apes anymore.

  • @smallcutfartOP
    37 months ago

    I’m xxxx holder and everything drs’d except some shares stuck from my brokeragelink account. That’s not changing. But direct communication from rc to us IS interesting to me. I’m sure by this point, we would see what clues he’s dropped from the first book set that have coincided with events. But all that digging is buried. There can’t be NO Reason for the book, or just made to collect money from apes. He’s calculated. Their is definitely a why. And also it doesn’t matter if some are interest or not. There is a reason tho, I’m sure.

    • artnut
      47 months ago

      @smallcutfart @Mojojojo1993
      I’m xxx DRSed, must be frustrating for RC , presumably he is pushing for an investigation and it makes sense that he would adopt other means of communication so as to keep things clean for lawyers on his end. Or maybe it’s all foil and he’s just a straight shooter. Money to buy whiskey/actions speak louder kind of guy. Don’t know, don’t care, in for a penny, in for a pound.

    • @[email protected]
      -17 months ago

      But that’s the tinfoil talking. Maybe there’s a secret code. Be pretty risky though. Whole thing blows up but on a technicality that RC has been sending out secret codes in a separate company.

      I don’t buy it. I think he just wants books. Bit too much tinfoil going around

      • @smallcutfartOP
        47 months ago

        Too easy to say it’s all tin foil or just for the lulz. Theres gotta be something being signaled. Like a finger pointing to something. It won’t be obvious becuase he not dumb

        • jersan
          47 months ago

          the books are full of tinfoil aka clues. some people like to think of them as easter eggs. same idea.

        • @[email protected]
          -27 months ago

          No. There doesn’t. Apes have looked at everything under a microscope. Not everything is a message. That’s just tinfoil.

          • @smallcutfartOP
            47 months ago

            But where is this info being discussed? No where

            • @ZombiezzzPlz
              47 months ago

              Exactly. Either way I support RC books

            • @[email protected]
              -17 months ago

              Superstonk. The last book they spent months coming up with ideas and all sorts of whakky stuff. Books just been released. Apes don’t have it to analysis it yet. Plus a lot less apes are pouring over these things now. It’s been years and fatigue and life set In

      • @regolith
        07 months ago

        Maybe RC just wants to sell these books so that he can buy more GME?