Be a good time to PM anyone you know there and post about this place on the bbby sub since it’s been quiet after The PP Show got going.

    • @regolith
      138 months ago

      In a nutshell, it was all the conversations that should have happened on Superstonk, but which were banned there (on SS). One of the tags that people could use for posts was ‘black tar tinfoil’

    • @ChivesMA
      108 months ago

      It is / was a BBBY investing community which mainly hung out on reddit. There’s a community now which I linked in another comment.

    • @lordslayer99
      98 months ago

      It is a community that are invested in BBBY. We have followed the bankruptcy process and dockets to better understand our investments. There is a belief that Ryan Cohen who is listed as a creditor and interested party will buy BBBY and merge it into a new company to challenge Amazon. There was a subreddit called thePPshow but was banned by reddit. They also have a Youtube livestream where they discuss and just today had Bill Pulte join.