1. GME should work with Computershare so they (CS) can serve as a custodian for IRA’s. Ally and Mainstar have both walked back their support for DRSing IRAs. Computershare acting as a custodian as part of their contract with GameStop should allow for a cleaner solution.

  2. Revise the contract w/ Computershare w/ respect to their DirectStock plan, and provide more transparency to investors about both the ownership hierarchy of shares in the plan and the degree to which DirectStock shares are utilized for ‘operational efficiency’ - often 10 to 20%

  3. Issue a bulk of shares available for direct purchase by investors, similar to Home Depot’s Depot Direct. This would allow for GameStop to sell shares directly to investors, and would allow purchases to be “Pure DRS” without further steps or actions.

Edit - Adding in 4, 5, and 6 from my comments on this post.

  1. request that GameStop insiders (or at least board members) must hold their shares in Pure DRS, especially for vested shares that cannot be sold for a while.

  2. GameStop should consider becoming their own transfer agent when their contract with Computershare is up for renewal.

  3. Introduce pro reward incentives, like additional percentage off, for verified stockholders on their ledger.

  • wtfeweguys
    2 years ago

    Love it. What’s the next step towards forming one? Time to lawyer up?

    • MozooZ
      2 years ago

      For better or worse, I think that may be needed. Maybe not, though… with all of us, I’m tempted to say we can sift through the various red-tape and bullshit (loosely speaking) easily enough.

      • wtfeweguys
        2 years ago

        Not a chance. You don’t take complex regulatory actions like this without legal counsel. Take another positive from there being so many of us: the cost per person will be low.

        Though I suppose we could get a miracle and have some pro bono work gifted to us.