When I started drawing pics for the stonk each week i never thought i’d wind up with such a large collection, but hedgies & regulators have dragged this out long enough that I’m only a few pics away from drawing #69. So I’m taking suggestions in the comments on what the sixty ninth pic should be.


  • @bibic_jrMA
    111 months ago

    It’s almost too obvious, but why not just “69”? 😂

    • DoctorPlasmatronOP
      210 months ago

      i’ve been pondering it, and did a test sketch of how i might work the 69 into an infinity symbol, but it’s not working out, looks even more goofy than my attempt to make a portrait of the computershare pop-up screen woman that shows up when you log in, she keeps looking undead no matter what I do, i think because i always sucked at drawing the eyes.

      Instead I’ve settled on something else that is working well, though does not directly reference ‘69’. It’ll still be the 69th drawing this upcoming friday though!

      • @bibic_jrMA
        110 months ago

        I’m hyped to see what you’ve come up with!