Miller I’m not trying to call you out, but suddenly you tweets went from pro-GameStop, pro-DRS and informational content to non-stop political tweet spam. What’s the scoop brother? Why the sudden change? Politics have been kept out of this across all the communities and seen as taboo and decisive.

I only ask because I follow you specifically for GME content, and the political stuff is off putting regardless of my political alignment.

Had anyone else noticed this lately?

  • The Snark Urge
    28 months ago

    Ah yeah. He was a pretty big regular back when I was on Reddit. Even bent the ear of Jon Stewart about DRS, once.

    What was his recent problematic biz about?

    • @regolith
      18 months ago

      that user doesn’t post in this community so I’m not sure that there is any problematic biz going on