Oh fuck my sides are in orbit right now.
I’m fuckin dying over here champ I’ve been jerking you around all morning go do some work or something.
Which one did I say? It’s that one.
If you’re having trouble understanding I guess I can make it into an image for you. I know words are hard and some people need pictures, I get it and am willing to make reasonable accommodations for “special” cases.
This is great, you’re over here flailing about braying like a donkey, thinking this is an image board, not even aware who you’re talking to, hilarious.
“you know what I think? I think you’re just upset because you’re underpaid and over valued at your job. your boss probably relies on you too much so you have an inflated sense of worth that has ballooned your ego disproportionately to your skills. I bet you bitch about not getting paid enough but that’s ok because, “that place wouldn’t last a month without me.” deep down you know both are lies. you’re easily replaced and that’s why they pay you shit.”
Oh look it’s projecting! Lol piss off nerd don’t you have a huddle to attend or something.
I’m sure your senior devs just love working with someone as patient and understanding as you.
Inb4 “I’m the senior” because that would explain a lot
So a lot of times those C-levels will be pretty average people eh?
I knew/know a Mason, afaik his involvement consisted of drinking beer and fund raising for charities a few hours per month. He’s not a Shriner specifically but a lot of lodges do stuff like that.
It’s definitely an old boys network though and a bunch of them are on various chambers of commerce and own local businesses and whatnot. I’m pretty sure he became a member strictly for the business connections. If you’re in a smaller area joining a lodge can be a very solid networking opportunity.
The person you asked to correct the incorrect information you posted isn’t an expert nor should random people be forced to correct your incorrect statements even if they were an expert. Double down and do the mental gymnastics you need to, it doesn’t matter that much to me, but maybe try to verify information before you just repeat things you think you read.
it’s not “hur-dur, just glue it” that everyone always paints it as.
I agree AI hallucinations can be far more dangerous and more believable than glue on pizza. I used that reference because everyone remembers it. Pulling “answers” with no context is the problem.
You made a claim with absolutely no references or sources then asked someone else to disprove your claim. That’s not how conversations or debates work at all. If you’re incapable of fact checking even the most basic statement conversations with you will never be productive and you’ll only be a useful idiot repeating the last thing you misread, do better.
Lazy users just posting whatever 3rd hand half truth they misunderstood is a scourge. It might as well be a glue-pizza recommending AI post.
Ever play the old Wolfenstein PC game? You eventually make it to the final boss and it’s just a big mech with Hitlers head.
I imagine it’s like that.
“Matt Gaetz does Republican shit.” would’ve been accurate.
Well yeah but we’re not born rich to the ruling class. Our fathers and grandfathers weren’t Senators like Mattys were.
Rules for thee, not for me.
I don’t really disagree with what you’re saying but it’s important not to dismiss peoples experience at the grocery store and when it’s time to pay their bills as “how they feel about the economy.”
The NASDAQ doesn’t put gas in a car or milk in a fridge, that shit is still expensive.
They remember what happened, they elected Biden and their material conditions worsened so they re-elected the guy that could at least be bullied into cutting them a rebate check.
I’m not saying I agree with their assessment but I can understand it.
My spouse and I both did.
I was a pack per day smoker for 15-20 years. Switched to vaping as it was becoming so popular. Stepped down the nicotine over the course of a few years until I finally just got tired of going and buying 1mg juice and stopped. Haven’t had a vape in about 2 years and a cigarette in about about 5.
I still get a craving now and then but it passes. Cigarettes usually just smell like a disgusting ashtray and I’m glad I don’t smoke anymore.
edit: we both actively wanted to quit and I’m so happy it worked for us
It’s blue, red is also good. Don’t ask how I know.