Answering “thank you” to “I love you” is a polite way to deal with unwanted advances of another person. The reaction emoji under the message is commonly interpreted as “thank you”.
You love me? I’ll pray for you
But whatsapp has had reactions forever
still don’t get it
The “murder weapon” likely refers to the hurt feelings of the person making the advance.
…is that not what the 👍 is for? Or is that too obvious a ‘cool, now fuck off’ response?
(I’mma pray for you)
Isn’t it a high five?
On most platforms you can type ’ pray’ and it will give this one: 🙏 for high five: ✋.
The other great ambiguity is hug/jazz hands. 🤗
I’m sorry your mom just died. *jazz hands*
This is better for hug 🫂
Well, according to Snapchat, it’s both :)
It was intended to be folded hands of an individual, and not a high five - according to the body who standardizes emojis
seeing 🙏 as a high five and not a praying gesture makes it even more harsh
when you and a friend both wear the same type of long sleeve shirt that day so you high five, but it doesn’t make a noise because you both completely flattened your hands before making contact