I now want a community dedicated to…uh…dresses that…uh…yeild that appearance.
Maybe something like c/MozzarellaBags?
Just c/Mozzarella - keep it subtle.
Naw, because then you have that obnoxious /trees /marijuanaenthusiasts dynamic that makes everyone look like a ten year old.
Your username literally ends in 69. You have no high ground to stand on in a debate about obnoxious humor, lmao.
This feels like a Facebook post.
Because it is.
Would have been good if served with sause.
Sauce delivered: https://namethatporn.com/pornstars/sanna-meira.html
No nudes but damn close. OF model
That’s burrata
In Spanish “Una burrada” is used to describe a massive amount, an excess. I guess it checks out.
who ?
sorry I’m not really paying attention…
Pappa pia
Baby’s got the diarrhoea
I love it when a plan comes together.
Milk truk just arive
Do they regrow after harvesting, or are they discarded afterwards?
I like cheese, but I didn’t know I liked Mozzarella so much
Never eating that again.
Since no one in here asking for SAUCE.