This is what we did before unions, Elon. I mean, he’s not smart, just rich.
Before unions were a thing, if a workforce wanted a raise, it was traditional to say “hey boss, give us a raise, or we’ll burn your fucking factory down”
Molotov cocktails remain a cheap and effective workforce bargaining tool. 2nd amendment silenced handguns just got added to that tool belt.
And now that they’ve made unions all but illegal, we’ll eventually return to that trusted tradition.
Either we settle things collectively and politely, or we settle things not so politely.
This was the whole purpose of our founding fathers.
Kings were getting beheaded. They knew enough that if they didn’t want to watch their backs constantly, they needed to spread power thin.
It’s the point of good faith in government. It goes back to the Code of Hammurabi. We have these laws so that we can all mostly agree on how things should be handled in a reasonable way.
When people can’t rely on laws and justice, eventually blood spills.
These people have been so intent on gathering money and power, they haven’t realized why the founding fathers did the exact opposite.
I thought the purpose of the US founding fathers was to gain power to prevent the British government from having a say in abolishing slavery. Also so they could ignore the treaty the British made with the Indigenous peoples living to the west of the 13 colonies. They wanted that land and didn’t like those assholes in London preventing westward expansion via genocide.
These people have been so intent on gathering money and power, they haven’t realized why the founding fathers did the exact opposite.
You might be surprised about how consistent they are with the “Founding Fathers” by saying some nice words about “freedom” while their actions say the opposite. The American Revolution didn’t fundamentally alter things (slavery existed before and after the revolution) it only changed who was in power. Pretty words on a paper didn’t give people freedom. It was people voting, unionizing, and oh yeah, a bloody civil war that brought freedom. And then even more voting and unionizing and protesting for over a century.
The US is a weird place not too dissimilar from the society depicted in 1984, just with Big Brother replaced by Founding Father. Founding Father isn’t watching over you. Founding Father was hypocritical slave-master that would have more in common with the likes of Elon Musk than they would ever have with you.
Writing nice words about freedom while acquiring wealth from the work of slaves, isn’t that consistent with Elon Musk?
Most of the founding fathers wanted to abolish slavery, but they also knew they needed the economic power of the southern states’ cotton trade and that they would be virulently against ending slavery. They kicked that can down the road, but laid the groundwork that eventually led us there for the most part.
Most of the founding father fucking owned slaves.
Elon Musk writes about rights and freedoms. Thomas Jefferson wrote about right and freedoms. Elon Musk is shit to the workers he gets his wealth from. Thomas Jefferson got his wealth from slaves. Elon Musk sexually harasses his female workers. Thomas Jefferson impregnated his slaves.
Elon Musk and the other billionaires are being 100% consistent with the Founding Fathers you idolize. This is why arguing that these billionaire assholes aren’t “in keeping with the Founding Fathers” is so weak. Deep down we all know that these guys are acting exactly like the Founding Fathers. It really makes sense for so many people to think Trump, Musk and all the other scumbags are like the Founding Fathers because they actually are. They just aren’t like the mythologized Founding Fathers that you believe in. But the Founding Fathers you believe in never existed.
The actual people were just a group of rich slave masters that wanted to take away more land from indigenous people. They wrote some nice words about rights and freedoms to fool people into being willing to die to serve their interests. Which is exactly what MAGA is all about isn’t it? Rich people talking big about rights and freedoms to get people to support them having more power.
You may want to freshen up on your history. Ending slavery was a huge debate right at the beginning. They chose poorly in the end, but not for no reason.
Also, there’s a reason the only person you could come up with for your silly comparison was Thomas Jefferson. He was probably one of the most flawed of the founding fathers. Though he’s still a significantly better man than Musk on the whole.
True Americans know this.
Doesn’t even care about his own daughter, but one of the Greedy Gang gets murked and suddenly it’s morals time.
adding “it’s morals time” to my personal vocal soundboard ty
Live in fear, cunt.
If this starts a spat of CEO killings, most people will just continue sipping their tea.
I dunno.
I might go grab a bottle of champagne or something. Maybe indulge in a nice bit of cheese to go with it.
Champagne and cheese company CEOs conflicted.
It’s ok, they don’t work for themselves they work for an entity that legally requires them to prioritize profits, they have to endorse the murder of CEO’s up to and including themselves in cases of conflict.
There’s a nice whiskey in my cabinet I haven’t had occasion to pop open for a while…
Republicans are going to start being in favor of gun control laws if the gun violence pendulum starts swinging in that direction. Not sure if that would be a win or not.
Gun control is fundamentally a right wing policy. Just because it aligned with *some people’s preferred right wing party on a culture war wedge issue doesn’t make it right.
Like look at California; the only reason their gun laws are so strict is because they were scared of the Black Panthers doing open carry observation of police. It was a targeted, racist attack on a political movement that was completely bipartisan, because the political class has solidarity with one another against the rest of us.
Like what do *liberals think about abortion bans? Do they reduce the number of abortions? What about drug & alcohol bans? Do they work? We know these things don’t actually stop anyone from doing anything, they just make those behaviours more dangerous.
So why do *they think gun bans will actually be effective? Do *they think the cops will actually use it to protect children? They had all the power at Uvalde and they used it to keep parents from saving their kids.
The US is an unprecedentedly violent police state with the largest military, the largest criminal population in history and a fetishistic obsession with guns, of course their children turn to guns to take out their rage. That’s what they see modelled all around them.
Edit: removed the words that assume this is the position of the person I’m replying to. I still stand by the points.
Too bad it isn’t a real tweet.
maybe not. but it is based to kill a person that used to be a merely CEO but now, due to a lack of empathy and grounding to the real world, has become a cincere threat to humanity. EDIT: JUST TO BE CLEAR: i mean elon
He’s right. It’s heroic. 👑
What about if the CEO just spent a quarter billion dollars to support a fascist insurgency?
Based and heroic?
It’s this real? Like… Even for Elon this is pretty pathetic and disconnected.
i’ve just been through his xitter page, and i couldn’t find it
Killing people is never right, but some of these rich bastards have dome so much to make themselves a target that I don’t feel bad for them anymore.