If Sony games aren’t safe to play without a PSN account, I better not play them at all.
Ubisoft did that too for a while, forcing Ubisoft logins. And they’re continuing to lose staff and shut down games.
Safe from what? Convenience?
Keep ________ safe. No matter how you fill the blank, you fill it with money.
Steals your information
calls it safety
Yes, because games without PSN accounts are so unsafe and Sony definitely isn’t susceptible to having their servers hacked.
Sony has a history of being terrible with security.
They literally built malware two decades ago.
They are 100% comming out with their own launcher.
Cause you kept those accounts so safe in 2011.
This isn’t going to stop, just have to hope enough consumers have the wherewithal to say no to this sort of thing.
I have a PSN account. Have been playing almost exclusively console for years up until recently. On PC now and I’d honestly rather to never have to use that damn account again. I don’t trust them. They screwed me over so many times with my PS+ stuff, charging it or not charging it whenever the hell they wanted. Nevermind the leaks Sony. Pass. The argument of multiplayer games I can kinda sorta see when everyone and their mother has an account but not when it’s a single player game.
Speaking of, if anyone wants to buy a Playstation account with 267 games for like $200 then I’d be more than happy to hand it over. I like food, my cat likes food, and don’t I give a shit about Sony
Anti-libre software is dangerous. Sony is a danger to users.
I don’t see in what way having a PSN account would make Horizon Zero Dawn safer on PC.
But I also wouldn’t mind so much if the few PC games I’d buy from Sony were linked to my PSN account as I’ve been a Playstation gamer since the first console.
Still, I wouldn’t want every publisher to require an account to play…
I don’t see in what way having a PSN account would make Horizon Zero Dawn safer on PC.
It’s safer for Sony’s stock price, as they can report higher numbers of people on the PlayStation Network and greater “player engagement”. What, you thought this was about improving the experience for the customer? No one gives a fuck about them.
When they say safer, are they referring to pirating the games? If it helps with that and they don’t need Denuvo or any of that stuff, then I guess it’s helpful. I have no clue if it helps though and I don’t even know where to look anymore to see if these games are pirated, my guess is they are?
I wish it was, but it isn’t. It usually about them being able to ban you from playing for whatever reason they deem worthy.
They are pirated, what he means is what some community manager already said back when this was about Helldivers 2, made their job easier to ban people with playstation accounts.
How does that work in a single player game though?